Completed projects & experience

doLithe has delivered internet solutions to businesses across New Zealand and around the world. Our technical abilities and creative vision allow us to produce successful business web systems. Check out the projects presented here for more proof.

Contact us to find out how we can help you establish a quality web presence or revamp an existing site.

32 Salamanca Road

32 Salamanca Road

Details   This website was built as a simple information portal where existing tenants of 32 Salamanca could promote themselves and obtain information about available services. Potential new tenants can find out more about 32 Salamanca and the directors and shareholders can share information and documents in a centralised location.
Project Type   Web design & build
Location   Wellington
Tags     wellington  service  membership  calendar 
The Yoga Club

The Yoga Club

Details   This site provides access to relevant information, including pricing, timetables and events. The yoga club can easily change this information, list upcoming events and generally promote their classes and receive queries and communication.
Project Type   Website development
Location   Amberley
Tags     calendar  service  amberley